Organized Documents.
Easy To Locate.
Secured Access.
Clean and organized workplace.
Resolves problems of lost papers or confusions with outdated copies of electronic documents.
Access documents from anywhere – even away from office, if the repository is in a cloud server.
Manage both scanned copies of paper and electronic documents – store, tag, auto-version, search.
Different types of tags for the document helps identify it easily and quickly during search.
Controlled access helps block unauthorized access or tampering of digital documents.
Saves time and manual effort with scheduled bulk import and automatic OCR of documents.
Storing documents in a cloud server prevents data loss in case of hardware failure or natural disaster.
OCR-ed text as ‘tag’ for a scanned document helps identify the document by its content.
Built-in version management for changes on document over time – compare versions if needed.
With required permission, digital documents can be shared via link in email with outsiders.