Paper, Paper Everywhere
Paper documents are everywhere. It is common being overwhelmed with all the documents – at work or home. Over time the piles of paper lead to chaos, worries, and inefficiency. Also, papers get lost or damaged over time.
On the other hand, electronic documents (files) – changed and saved on regular basis – get mixed up with wrong or outdated versions, thereby creating major confusions, embarrassing problems, and wastage of time.
Documents – Organized and Secured
Convert the mess of documents into a valuable resource by organizing scanned copies of paper documents and/or electronic documents into hierarchically structured document archives / repositories. Create a clean environment by replacing the unsightly piles of papers.
Custom tags for documents, OCR to extract text, easy and flexible search help precisely locate documents – including all versions – from the document repository. Restrict access to and stop tampering of documents with controlled access for approved users to the digital documents.
What Do We Offer?
SARANGSoft digipaper is a document digitization and management software for Windows to convert paper documents (or scanned versions of those) and existing electronic documents into Digital Document Archives / Repositories.
- Define hierarchical repository for digital documents.
- Tag each document for ease of identification later.
- Control access to documents for authorized users.
- Find documents via flexible search on tags and/or content.
Price: Starting from less than US$ 100.
- Organize scanned or electronic documents
- Tag documents for better identification
- Built-in OCR for ‘searchable PDF’ documents
- Batch import of documents for efficiency
- Use flexible ad-hoc search to find documents
- Control user’s access to documents & tags
- Manage multiple versions of any document
- Organize documents as per company needs
- Access to documents from anywhere
- Manage scanned and electronic documents
- Identify documents via flexible tagging
- No tampering with digitized documents
- Import documents in bulk / batch
- Offsite storage for disaster recovery
- Design document repositories
- Create users and set access control
- Scan and tag documents
- Build custom search, define process
- Customize software as required
- Research and recommend suitable technologies
- Install, configure, train, support