Organize Properly.
Store Securely.
Retrieve Quickly.
Allow access to authorized persons only. No tampering.
Create hierarchical repository to store scanned paper documents or electronic documents.
Scan paper documents into digital format (image or PDF) and securely store in database.
Tag each digital document with related metadata values (text / number / date / time / custom).
Built-in OCR to extract text content from ‘Searchable PDF’ to use as extra ‘tags’ for searching.
Scheduled batch / bulk import and/or OCR of documents for speed and efficiency.
Build dynamic search queries on tags, name, description, content to easily locate documents.
Create account and assign Read / Write access to user for secure access to stored documents.
The version history of a document presents the list of changes to the document over time.
Store documents either within the network for local access or in cloud to access from anywhere.
Send email with web link (URL) to external users, who cannot run digipaper to download document.
View, print, edit metadata of documents found via search. Add modified version of a document.